The day is here, my big red suitcase is laying open in the middle of my room. I'm struggling. It isn't easy to pack a whole year into a 31" by 21" by 12" bag. I'm not only talking about all the clothes that have come home with me after all my 1035999...... trips to the mall, during the year! What's hard to pack is all my memories and feelings. To accept that the year is over and to make my brain understand that it's time to switch back into Swedish. But one thing that helps, is that I know that even though this year here in Colorado is about to end, this was just the beginning of an amazing life! I not only have one but two wonderful families! I have friends from all over the world! (Not only from the United States but from China, Pakistan, India, Norway, Germany, Denmark and so on.) I can speak English! I've gotten to know myself better and I know that I can do pretty much everything, if I only give it a try! And from now on things can only get better and better!
The United States is such a wonderful country! It’s beautiful but above all it offers a lot of great things! I love the malls (if you hadn't figured that one out yet...) so fancy and with so many stores. I love all the fast food places that really aren't fast food places. (I’m not as obsessed with Qdoba as the German people though) ohh I love so many thing here in my american house! Love the couches and armchairs! (truly American) Getting ice and water from the fridge.Oh garbage disposal! (first time I saw it I was soo confused, and the noises it made... creepy!) And the fact that the floor isn't a hard wooden floor but covered with a carpet. (my feet are happy!) Oh that’s right I had never seen a fireplace that you turn on and off with a simple light switch! (impressive) And all the different types of drive through ( I had seen drive through for McDonald's before, but for the bank or pharmacy, never heard of!)
My year here has come to its close, and wow it passed so fast! Tomorrow morning we'll have a goodbye picnic with students and hostfamilies! After that all the students will have their end of stay orientation and the next morning we'll head to L.A!
I better go, all my friends will soon be here for my going away party!
take care!
See you in Sweden!!
åh vad kul att få åka till LA! sees snart, puss!